учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

6. Answer the following questions:

•What era replaced the period of geographic discoveries in the Far East?

•How can we characterize that time?

•Why was the Amur River important for Russia?

•What were the aims of expeditions organized by Peter I?

•Why did he send Strelets* troops to Trans-Baikalia?

•What factor made the Russian government to rely only on the settlements located in the north of the Far East?

•Whe did Peter I order to work up the Atlas of the whole Russian Empire?

•Why did Peter I want to find the way to America?

7. Find in the text the sentences with key vocabulary and translate them into Russian.

8. Think about and write what would have happened with the Far East, if Peter I did not develop its northern and north-eastern parts and not set the right of ownership of these lands.

9. Make a list of measures of Peter I in the Far East:

10. Explain the meaning of the term:”Amur question”.

11. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

12. Give a summary of the text.

13. On your own. Use the Internet and other sources to find information about the reforms of Peter I. Prepare presentations to discuss in the class.

14. Make up a quiz about the life of Peter I.