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учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

6. Answer the following questions:

•What were the causes of discrepancies between the Russians and the locals?

• What did Empress Elizaveta Petrovna order Russian people to do?

•What was the result of the encounter between the Chukchi and the Russians on July 14, 1731?

•What attracted Russian people in the Far-Eastern seas? Why?

• Where were the first Russian hunting co-operatives established?

•How did the Russian Empresses support the campaigns taking place in the Eastern Ocean?

7. Translate the sentences with the key vocabulary into Russian.

8. Speak about:

relations between the local population and Russian settlers;

policy of the Russian government concerning the development of the Far East;

9. Analyze the text and explain what problems the Russian government had to solve during the development of the Far East.

10. Explain, what the aims of the Russian government and simple people in the Far East were.

11.Was the exploration of the Eastern seas profitable for Russian merchants, supervisors and navigators?

12. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

13. Give a summary of the text.

14. Make a presentation about the customs and traditions of the Chukchi, Eskimo or Aleut peoples.

15. Write an essay on the following theme:”Differences between the European colonization of the American Indians and the Russian colonization of the Eskimo and Chukchi peoples in Alaska”.