учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

Description of the flag of Khabarovsk Territory

The flag is divided in forked manner into three parts. The central angle of the triangle measures 90 degrees. Field N.1 is green, field N.2 is white, field N.3 is (light) blue.

Heraldic colors signify:

blue - symbol of beauty, softness, grandeur. In the given case it symbolizes also the abundant water resources of the territory;

green - the color of hope, joy, abundance. It symbolizes also the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of our territory, "the limitless sea of taiga."

white (silver) - symbol of purity, goodness, innocence.

In the flag it reflects the cloudless, peaceful sky, the purity of the intentions of the inhabitants of the territory.

The coat of arms of Khabarovsk Territory is a symbol of sovereign legal status of Khabarovsk Territory.