учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

Importance of Khabarov’s discoveries

Yerоfey Pavlovich Khabarov was among the main Russian getters and discoverers of the 17th century. He was the successor of V. Poyarkov. But if V. Poyarkov explored the Amur area, but Y. Khabarov developed it.

During his expedition Khabarov charted maps of the Amur area, described the life of local peoples, discovered new fish species of the Amur, counted the number of arable lands, evaluated abundant forests full of sables and lands full of gold and silver.

He also joined the left bank of the Amur River to Moscow state. The main consequence of his expedition was mass resettlement of Russian people to the Amur land. He wanted Russia to be master of both banks of that great river.

He was the first to make the detailed map of the Amur territories, which became the main source for the maps of Siberia and the Far East.

He also built a fortified town Albazin which later became the political, agricultural, trade, and military center of the Amur territory.

Thanks to Khabarov’s expedition the Russian state strengthened its position on the Amur River. One by one Russian fortified towns, such as: Albazin, Achansk, Kumarsk, Kosogorsk, Soldatovo, Pokrovskaya, Ozernaya, Panovo and others appeared on the Amur.

He was really a great person, an example of courage, persistence and mind. So the city of Khabarovsk and a railway station of the Trans-Siberian railroad bear his name.