учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

3. Replace the following words with the synonyms:

Impetuous, predominating, to estimate, to bother, estuary, to deprive, entire, to capture;

4. Fill the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the key vocabulary:

•During World War II Russia could _____________________________ Russian territory.

• Our frontier guards must __________________________________________ of our country.

• Stalin could not ______________________________ of aggression from the Fascist Germany.

•During the economic crisis the development of our country is not so ___________________ as it was before.

•Such measures would __________________________________to stop business corruption.

•Your deeds can’t be ________________________________________ to solve this problem.

•G8 has the __________________________________________________________in the world.

•You should not ________________________________________________as it is not so deep.

5. Translate into Russian the sentences from ex.3:

6. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.