учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

9. Answer the following questions:

•What was the importance of the Russian-American Company for Russia?

• What rights had the RAC?

• Who of the governors of the RAC managed to organize the thriving maritime trade there?

• What goods were the basic subjects of export?

• What were the difficulties of the trading relations with Russia through Siberia?

• Who were the stockholders of the RAC?

• Was the entity in charge established in Irkutsk or Yakutsk?

• Who was the first president of RAC? What do you know about him?

•When was the Russian-American Company sold? Who purchased it?

10. Look at the flag of the RAC. Describe it.

11. Explain the actions of the USA and the US to stop the expansion of Russian colonies in America.

12. Find on map №16 the first permanent settlement in Russian America.

13. Speak about Fort Ross.

14. Prove that the activity of RAC was very successful in 1799-1800.

15. Read, explain and find on the map of the USA the location of 43° N latitude, 51° N latitude, 54°40' and 55° N latitude:

Latitude gives the location of a place on the Earth (or other planetary body) north or south of the equator. The lines of latitude are the imaginary horizontal lines called parallels, shown running east-to-west (or west to east) on maps.

Longitude is the geographic coordinate most commonly used in cartography and global navigation for east-west measurement. Longitude is represented by lines running from north to south called meridians. The line of longitude that passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in England, establishes the meaning of the zero degree of longitude, or the prime meridian*.


* Prime meridian - исходный меридиан