учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

6. Answer the following questions:

•What problems had N.N. Muravyov to solve?

•How did he manage to do it?

•What kinds of people were the first settlers of the Far East?

•Did all Cossacks want to live in the Far East?

•What attracted peasants in that land?

•Why did the government prefer to send there prosperous peasants?

•What was the most difficult: to reach the place of settlement or to survive there?

• How could the Orthodox Church help the first settlers?

•Why only in 6-10 years the settlers could construct wooden houses?

•What and who helped the settlers to survive?

•Why did the settlers marry the representatives of the local nations?

7. Translate into Russian sentences with the key vocabulary.

8. Discuss what problem was the most important for Russia at that time. Find arguments and fill in the table:

Protection of the Russian Pacific Coast

Determination the border with China

Settlement of the Far East

9. Think why people wanted to live in the Far East.

10. Make a list of the hardships which the first settlers had to overcome:


11. Describe every day life of the first settlers.

12. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

13. Give a summary of the text.

14. Watch the pictures. What kinds of routs did the first settlers choose? Write advantages and disadvantages of the routs:

Kind of the rout



Land way

Water way

15. Read and discuss the articles. Use the vocabulary:

Cлужба – service (to serve), исследовательский - research, исследования - investigations, (researches), переиздавать - to republish, архив - archives, снимать жатву - to gather in the harvest, казна - treasury, каторжник -convict, отставной - retired, зло - evil, сбывать - to get rid of smth., дрянь - rubbish,, двойной - double, приказчик - salesman, немыслимый - inconceivable, цена - price, нищета - poverty, деморализация - immoral conduct, карты - cards, девиз – motto.