учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

Andrey Nikolayevich Korf (1831-1893)

Andrey Nikolayevich Korf was the first Governor-General of Primorye Oblast, a commander of a military district and Cossack troops.

During 10 years of his reign many affairs happened. Andrey Nikolayevich organized free migration of peasants from the European part of Russia to the South-Ussury region via Odessa by ships of Dobrovolny (voluntary) fleet.

He paid a great attention on the development of the economy of the Priamurye Covernorship-General, so the timber, fish and other industries were laid during his governing.

To raise trade and economy in the Far East and abroad, he organized three Trade Conventions for public men and manufacturers.

Maintaining Russian interests in the Far East he did his best to improve the naval and trade contacts between Russia and Korea, Japan, and China. Korf actively participated in the designing and construction of the Great Siberian Railroad. So when in 1891 its construction started from Ussurijsk, everything was organized on a good level. He initiated and took an active part in the construction of the memorial to Muravyov-Amursky in Khabarovsk instead of Blagoveshchensk.

Korf opened a lot of schools, developed and improved Khabarovsk. For his deeds he was granted the title of the Honorable Citizen of Khabarovsk. He died and was buried in Khabarovsk.

A railway station and village were named in honor of that person. One of streets in Khabarovsk was also named by his name.