учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

8. Complete the following sentences:

The new life in the Far East was inspired by_______________________________________ .

Trade and stable economic relations between the countries___________________________.

The majority of settlers were ____________________________________________________.

To prospect mineral resources it was necessary to __________________________________.

The Zeya, the Amur and Primorye Regions could boast ____________________________ .

Far Eastern Navy and civil national fleet needed ___________________________________ .

Russia possessed ports Dalny and Port-Arthur on conditions of ____________________ .

Crossroads passed through Harbin connected _____________________________________.

Russia assigned money to _______________________________________________________ .

Japan started the War with Russia because of _____________________________________ .

After the War Sakhalin became _________________________________________________ .

9. Analyze the text and write the facts, proving the rapid growth of economy in the Far East:


10. Read the information about the ports of Dalny and Port-Arthur in the Appendix. What unquestionable advantages would Russia have not to lose them during the Russian-Japanese War?

11. Determine on map №18 the location of the port Dalny. Explain if it was convenient or not.

12. Scan map № 19. Share your impressions about this city.

13. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

15. Give a summary of the text.

16. a)Read the text.