учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2
Труднодоступный - hard-to-reach, акр- acre, Napoleonic- наполеоновский, один-единственный –only one, казначейство – exchequer;
- Сontents
- Введение
- Introduction
- Unit I. Introductory part
- 1. Fill in the table:
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 3. Scan the text. Political Situation in Russia in the 17th Century and Prerequisites for the Exploration of the Far East
- 4. Answer the following questions:
- 5. Complete the sentences:
- •Moscow was occupied by ___________________________ .
- Unit II. Movement to the far east Lesson 1. Expeditions of Ivan Moskvitin and Vasily Poyarkov
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 3. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 4. Complete the sentences with the correct key vocabulary item:
- 5. Translate into English:
- 7. Scan the table. Analyze the peculiarities of the expeditions. What differences and similar features have you found?
- 9. Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the text.
- Lesson 2. Yerofey Pavlovich Khabarov: a Successful Commercial Man and “Getter” of Russia
- 1. History test. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences:
- 2. Read the text and explain the meaning of the word “khabar”. What does the word “khabar” mean?
- 3. Study the key vocabulary:
- 4. Match the following word-combinations with their definitions:
- 5. Make up sentences with the key phrases.
- 6. Scan the table. The Most Important Periods of y. P. Khabarov’s Biography
- 11. Find out about his Amur trip. What other trips did he undertake?
- 12. Explain why his way was shorter and better. Use maps.
- 13. Translate into Russian. Which natural riches of the Far East was Khabarov impressed by?
- 14. On your own. Use the Internet and other resources to find information about the character of y.P.Khabarov. Prove that he was a successful Russian commercial man.
- 15. Read the text and analyze all achievements of y. P. Khabarov. Explain why historians name him the “getter” of Russia.
- Importance of Khabarov’s discoveries
- 16. Say what impressed you most in Khabarov’s fate.
- 17. Imagine you are a guide-interpreter. Make a presentation about the monument to y. Khabarov. Use the information from the text.
- Vocabulary:
- 18. Write an essay on the following theme: “The city of Khabarovsk was named so because …”.
- 1. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Replace the following words and word-combinations by the synonyms:
- 3. Make up the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 4. Scan the text and translate into Russian the sentences with the key vocabulary. Semеn Ivanovich Dezhnev
- 5. Answer the following questions:
- 6. Complete the sentences:
- 7. True or false? Write “t” if true, “f”, if false:
- Part II
- Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov
- 5. Prove that:
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Fill in the table:
- 8. Look at the map. Speak how the territory of Russia changed in the 17th century due to expeditions of famous Russian explorers.
- 9. Make a presentation about one of five famous explorers of the Far East.
- 1. Study the key-vocabulary:
- 2. Replace the following words and word-combinations by the synonyms:
- 3. Fill in the correct key word or word-combination:
- 3. Make up the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 4. Scan the text and translate into Russian the sentences with the key vocabulary. Albazin Fortress
- Lesson 5. Fatal Consequences of the Nerchinsk Treaty
- Нерчинский трактат
- 9. Replace the following words and word-combinations by the antonyms:
- 10. Complete the following sentences with the correct key word or word-combination:
- 11. Make up the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 12. Scan the text. Political Situation in the Far East
- 13. Look at the picture by a Chinese artist: “a battle for Albazin between Russian Cossacks and Daurs”. Explain what you see there.
- 14. Answer the following sentences:
- Unit IV. Peter’s age in the far east
- Alexey Mikhailovich and Nataliya Naryshkina
- Alexey Mikhailovich and Maria Miloslavskaya
- Lesson 6. Development of the Far Eastern Lands by Peter I
- 1. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Complete the following sentences with the correct key word or word-combination:
- 3. Translate into English:
- 4. Make up the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 5. Scan the text. Achievements of Peter I in the Far East
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- Lesson 7. Okhotsk: the Major Russian Port in the Pacific
- 6. Scan the text. Okhotsk Foundation
- Lesson 8. Expeditions of Vitus Bering
- 4. Translate into English:
- 5. Scan the text.
- Vitus Bering
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Complete the following sentences:
- 9. Translate into Russian:
- 10. Find on map №12 the places:
- 12. Give a summary of V. Bering’s life. Lesson 9. The First Steps to Explore the American Coast
- 1. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Explain the meaning of the following key vocabulary:
- 3. Match the words and word-combinations with their definitions:
- 4. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 5. Translate the sentences into Russian:
- 6. Scan the text. Problems with the Locals during the First Steps to Explore the American Coast
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- Unit V. Russian america Lesson 10. Political Situation in the Pacific at the End of the 18th Century
- Influenced the appearance of the new indigenous peoples in America.
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 3. Match the following columns:
- 4. Translate into English:
- 5. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 6. Scan the text. Russian and American Frontiers
- 7. Answer the following questions:
- 8. Find in the text the sentences with the key vocabulary and translate them into Russian.
- 9. Complete the sentences:
- Lesson 11. Functions of Russian Trade Stations on the American Shores
- 2. Replace the following words and word-combinations by the synonyms:
- 3. Match the following columns:
- 4. Find the words from the key vocabulary to match the following definitions:
- 5. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 6. Scan the text. Grigory Ivanovich Shelikhov – the Founder of Russian Business in NorthAmerica
- 7. Answer the following questions:
- 8. Write if the statement is true (t) or false (f):
- Lesson 12.The Work of the Russian-American Company (rac)
- Основание Российско-Американской компании
- Vocabulary:
- 7. Make up the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 8. Scan the text. The First Russian Joint-stock Commercial Enterprise in America
- 9. Answer the following questions:
- 16. Give a summary of the text.
- 17. A) Scan the table of persons who were the Governors of the Russian American Company. B) Find on map №16 places named by them. Governors of the Russian American Company
- Lesson 13. Reforms of Nikolay Petrovich Rezanov in Russian America
- 1. Study the key vocabulary
- 9. Answer the following questions:
- 10. Write if the statement is true (t) or false (f):
- Lesson 14. Decline of the rac and Sale of Russian Estates in America
- 2. Replace the following words by the antonyms:
- 6. Scan the text. Why Were the Colonial Possessions of Russian America Sold?
- 7. Answer the following questions:
- 8. Prove that the territory of Russian America was practically uninhabited.
- 11. Complete the sentences:
- Исторические факты
- Vocabulary:
- Популярные мифы и заблуждения о продаже Аляски
- 1.Утверждается, что в связи с известными нарушениями договора, сделка может быть оспорена и по сей день.
- 3.В российской публицистике распространяется еще один миф, который гласит, что Аляска на самом деле была не продана, а сдана в аренду на 99 лет, но ссср по каким-то причинам не потребовал её обратно.
- Vocabulary:
- 16. Read the newspaper article. Share your point of view about the perspectives of Russian-American business relations. From Russia with Love: Tunnel to Link Siberia and Alaska
- Vocabulary:
- 1. What do you know about the settlement of the Amur area in the 19th century? Choose a correct answer to complete a sentence.
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 3. Replace the following words with the synonyms:
- 7. Scan the text. Return of Russia to the Amur
- 7. Answer the following questions:
- 8. Complete the sentence:
- Lesson 16. Important Discoveries of Captain Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy
- 3. Complete the sentences with the word or word-combinations from the key vocabulary :
- 4. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 5. Scan the text. The Life and Activities of the “Amur Admiral” Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Translate into Russian the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 8. Think why the first Russian ports at the Amur estuary and Sakhalin were named as Petrovsky, Nikolaevsky, Ilyinsky and Muravyovsky.
- 9. Say if the statement is true (t) or false (f):
- 10. Scan map №17. Describe the rout of the expedition of Captain g.I. Nevelskoy.
- 11. Translate an extract below. Explain what g.I. Nevelskoy guaranteed to the local population.
- Vocabulary:
- 12. Fill in the table about the life and discoveries of Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy:
- Lesson 17. The Activities of the Governor - General Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov- Amursky during His Reign in the Far East
- 2. Replace the word-combinations by the key vocabulary:
- 3. Match the following columns:
- 4. Make up sentences with the phrases from ex.3.
- 5. Scan the text. Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky* - a Great Reformer of the Russian Far East
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Translate the sentences with the key vocabulary into Russian.
- 8. Complete the sentences:
- Lesson 18. The First Raftings of the Russian People down the Amur River
- 5. Scan the text: Measures to Consolidate and Secure the Far East
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Translate into Russian sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 8. Complete the following sentences:
- Дважды открытый
- Lesson 19.Difficult Life of the First Russian Settlers
- Амурское казачье войско
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Replace the following words by the antonyms:
- 3. Match the following columns:
- 4. Complete the sentence:
- 5. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 6. Scan the text. Difficult Life of the First Russian Settlers
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- A) Описание жизни первых переселенцев Николаем Михайловичем Пржевальским
- Vocabulary:
- B) The “World's End” Lost in Taiga
- 1. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Replace the following words by the synonyms:
- 3. Make up sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 4. Complete the sentences:
- 5. Scan the text: Demand, Design and Importance of the Trans-Siberian Railway*
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 17. Scan the articles. Prove that these educational institutions played an important role in the designing the Trans-Siberian railway. A)Khabarovsk Railway College of the Ministry of Railways
- Far Eastern State Transportation University
- 18. Read the text. Speak about the importance of the Amur Bridge for the Far East. Amur Bridge
- 1. Study the key vocabulary:
- 2. Match the following columns:
- 3. Make up sentences with the phrases from exercise 2.
- 4. Translate into English:
- 5. Scan the text: Prerequisites for the Rapid Growth and Decay of Some Far Eastern Territories
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Translate into Russian the sentences with the key vocabulary.
- 8. Complete the following sentences:
- The First Freemen of Khabarovsk
- 17. On your own. Use the Internet and other sources to make a list of the most popular honorable citizens of modern Khabarovsk.
- 18. A)Scan the text: Merchants’ Khabarovsk
- 19. Read the text. Династия Плюсниных
- Vocabulary:
- Vocabulary:
- Николай Иванович Тифонтай
- Vocabulary:
- Торговый Дом «Кунст и Альберс»
- Vocabulary:
- Lesson 22. Contribution of Governors-General to the Development of the Far Eastern Lands
- Protected person b) maker of somebody’s ideas in reality c)successor
- 5. Scan the text: General - Governorship in the Far East
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 6. Speak about the Governors-General of Eastern Siberia.
- 7. Study the table. Which Governors-General are familiar to you? Why?
- 8. Explain why the initials of some Governors-General are italicized.
- 9. Read the article about Nikolay Ivanovich Grodekov. Nikolay Ivanovich Grodekov (1843 – 1913)
- Andrey Nikolayevich Korf (1831-1893)
- 14. Prove that Andrey Nikolayevich Korf was a worthy person and had not got the title of the Honorable Citizen of Khabarovsk in vain.
- 15. Write the translation of the text. Николай Львович Гондатти (1863—1945)
- Lesson 23. Main Discoveries of Russian Scientists in the Far East
- In the 19th –20th Centuries
- Activity of the Priamurskiy Department of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society
- 6. Answer the following questions:
- 7. Translate into English. Исследование Сибири и Дальнего Востока
- 8. Speak about the importance of the scientific research for the development of the Far East.
- 9. Scan the texts. Richard Karlovich Maack (1825-1886)
- Alexander Fedorovich Middendorf (1815–1894)
- Karl Ivanovich Maximowicz (1827 - 1891)
- Plants named after Maximowicz
- Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev (1972 - 1930)
- Arsenyev’s family home in Vladivostok has been made into a museum. The town of Arsenyev, located in Primorskiy Territory, was named after him. Dersu Uzala
- Венюков Михаил Иванович (1832-1901)
- 11. Make up a table of scientific discoveries in the Far East.
- 1. Scan the text. The History of Khabarovsk
- 5. Give a key sentence to each paragraph and retell the text.
- Герб города Хабаровска
- Vocabulary:
- 11. Have a look at photos of old Khabarovsk on pages 163-171. Can you guess which modern buildings are these?
- 12. Make a presentation or a slide-show about several old and modern buildings of Khabarovsk. Compare them and tell about differences.
- Lesson 25. The Importance of the Amur River for the Region
- 1. Scan the Statistical Data. Name the peculiarities of the Amur River. Statistical Data:
- 2. Study the key vocabulary:
- 3. Match the following columns:
- 4. Make up sentences with the word-combinations from ex.3.
- 5. Translate into English:
- 6. Scan the text: Amur River History
- Economy of the Amur Basin
- Major Amur tributaries are:
- 7. Answer the following questions:
- 8. Translate sentences with the key vocabulary into Russian.
- 9. Write all meanings of the word “Amur”:
- 10. Write the main dates of the Amur history and explain the events:
- 11. Speak about the history of the Amur River.
- 12. Fill in the table about the resources of the Amur River:
- 13. Watch map in the text and map №23. Determine the location of the the Amur River, its tributaties, and cities, located on its banks.
- 14. Read the articles.
- Viktor Ishayev: “China Threatens Khabarovsk Region with New Ecological Catastrophe”
- Китай пообещал закрыть все угрожающие загрязнением Амура заводы
- Amur Needs un Clean-up Aid
- 15. Analyze the articles and make a list of main ecological problems of the river and measures to solve them.
- 16. Write an essay on the following topic:” Father Amur is the River of life in the Far East”. Lesson 26. Far Eastern Federal District
- 1. Scan the information.
- Statiscical Data:
- 4. Speak about the presence of the Chinese at the Territory of the Far East. Is their presence here really dangerous?
- 5. Read the text. Khabarovsk Territory
- Description of the flag of Khabarovsk Territory
- Description of the Coat of Arms of Khabarovsk Territory
- History
- Geography
- Economy
- Demographics
- Places Attractive for Tourists
- Welcome to the Russian Far East!
- 10. Write an essay on the following theme: “What will happen to the Far East in 20 years?”
- Vocabulary list
- Appendix
- Map № 8. Stanovoy Range
- Map № 16. Russian America
- Seminar № 2
- Seminar № 3
- Old buildings of khabarovsk
- Reference sources
- Www.Wikipedia.Org