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учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2

14. Answer the following sentences:

•What event interrupted the development of the Far East?

•Which side was the first to start the war for the Amur River?

•Why did Cossacks of Albazin surrender?

• Who were the “Albazinians”?

• When was the Nerchinsk treaty concluded?

• Did the Russian or the opposite side dictate the terms of the Nerchinsk treaty?

• How long was Russia cut off the Amur valley?

• Why did the Nivkhi take part in driving the Russians off the Lower Amur?

• Did the movement to the east “towards the sun” stop? Why?

15. Find in the Text the sentences with the key vocabulary and translate them into Russian.

16. Prove that the Nerchinsk treaty had a negative influence upon the development of the Russian Far East.

17. Explain the meaning of the phrase: “the movement towards the sun”.

18. Give a summary of the text.

19. Write an essay on the following theme:”Achievements and Losses of Russia in the Far East during the 17th Century”.